
There is always time for solidary actions

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Rojales Mayor Antonio PĂ©rez GarcĂ­a last week visited the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre in Rojales to commend founders Sue and Rod Weeding on their tireless work, after they were called out to save two old and abandoned horses in one week.

On June 30, a skeletal horse was found dumped in a paddock near San Javier, where some other horses were being kept. Sue and Rod named the severely malnourished and old mare Lola and brought her home to the rescue centre.

She has suffered acute muscle atrophy in her shoulder, which caused major deformity in her left front leg. “Our vet has never seen a case as far gone as this,” Sue said. “All we can do is give her the best quality of life possible using special supplements and remedial shoeing.”

Just six days later, Sue and Rod received another call from a woman worried about an old horse left tied to palm trees without food or water for three days.

“This old horse was just worked into the ground until he couldn’t walk and then they dumped him,” Sue said. “He has badly damaged tendons on his right front leg and must have been in incredible pain. He’s probably only got a year left because eventually the leg will collapse but we will do whatever is possible for him.”

The police responded immediately to the case and are now looking to prosecute the owner. “We cannot emphasize enough that you have to call the police if you see an animal in danger or distress,” Sue said. “Here in Rojales, they have an officer dedicated to animal welfare and they will act. People have to contact the police because this is how we get convictions.”

Mayor Antonio, who toured the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre on July 11, congratulated Sue and Rod on their work in the animal welfare sector, saying without the centre many rescued horses and ponies would have to be put down because there was nowhere else to send them.

“It’s great that people like Sue and Rod are doing this kind of work because without them, there would be very little for these animals,” he said. “Taking care of more than 80 horses is very hard work at very great expense. Without the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, the lives of these animals would be much shorter and much worse.”

Sue and Rod are encouraging the British community and other foreign residents to register to vote before next year’s May council elections. “We’re very lucky to have such a forward-thinking council, which is actively working against animal abuse and neglect. With their support, we have made huge steps forward,” Sue said.

“Residents must get involved because we can’t afford to lose people like this who care about animal welfare. This is the way that animal welfare will move forward in this part of Spain.”

The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre is now preparing to open their eighth charity store at Gran Alicant and need volunteers to help staff the shop. A van driver is also desperately needed one day a week for furniture pick-ups and deliveries. Any donations of good quality furniture, clothes and bric-a-brac to help stock the store are also gratefully welcomed. Please contact the charity shop hotline on 652 021 980 for more information about furniture pick-ups and volunteering.

The public is invited to meet the many animals saved from abuse and neglect during Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre’s Sunday open days from 1pm-4pm. Entrance is free and guided tours begin at 2pm. Tasty food and refreshments are available in the garden cafĂ©.

EHCRC is located just outside Rojales at Partido Lo Garriga 59. For more details and directions to the centre, please visit www.easyhorsecare.net.

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